The Kunsthaus Bregenz project office had already been founded in 1992, five years before KUB itself opened in 1997. From that year onwards Kunsthaus Bregenz began collecting, focusing on architecture and Austrian contemporary art. Besides works by such younger contemporary artists as Maria Anwander, Nilbar Güreş and Benjamin Hirte, the collection also contains works by internationally renowned artists like Maria Lassnig, Valie Export and Heimo Zobernig. In addition, attempts are also made to acquire a work for the collection from international artists exhibiting at KUB. This has been successful in the cases of Cosima von Bonin, Hiroshi Sugimoto and Ai Weiwei, for example.
Archiv Kunst Architektur locates itself at the interface between art, architecture, and design. It preserves objects by artists address architectural issues or devote themselves to the tasks of design. This includes, amongst others, the architecture models of Peter Zumthor, very extensive donation of design drawings by Per Kirkeby and pencil drawings by Donald Judd.
Mag. Ute Denkenberger
Head of Collection
T +43-5574-485 94-535
Selected objcts
Latest acquisitions
Acquisitions 2021
Acquisitions 2020 & 2019
Acquisitions 2018 & 2017
Acquisitions since 2021
Acquired from funds provided by gallery grants of the Federal Ministery of Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport

Acquisitions up to 2020
Acquired from funds provided by gallery grants of the Federal Chancellery of Austria